Before Taking Your Pet on the Airplane

pet on the airplane

Whenever you decide to take your pet with you on an air voyage, do consider that the AIRLINES usually have their own rules and procedures, so it is a good idea to contact the air company and inform them of your intentions. Nevertheless, the movement of pets as well as the animal health requirements applicable… Read more »

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Things You Should Ask Yourself when Travelling with Pets

travelling with pets

Have your microchipped and vaccinated your pet? According to all international standards and procedures, you have to fit your pet with a microchip. This tiny device will be inserted under its skin and will be attributed a number that will appear on all the medical and identity documents relating to you pet. This microchip will… Read more »

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A Pet Owners Checklist

pet owners checklist

Checklists… some loathe them, some absolutely love them and some simply cannot live without them. But the fact is that they really come in handy when you are in a hurry or have a lot on your mind. As restrictive as they may make you feel when preparing for your flight, they do nothing more… Read more »

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The Pet Travel Scheme (PETS)

pet travel scheme

The Pet Travel Scheme (“PETS”) is, just as its name informs us, a scheme meant to permit animals to travel easily into and from associated states without going through quarantine. This system presupposes the existence of a Pet Passport whose role is to officially record information connected to a certain animal. The scheme results in… Read more »

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Travelling with Assistance Dogs in USA

travelling with assistance dogs in usa

Dogs may not only be your best friend, they may also be your best assistant. So, when you plan to get somewhere by plane and you know that you really depend on your dog to cope with your everyday needs, the best solution is to take you greatest helper with you. And just like in… Read more »

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Travelling with Assistance Dogs in Europe

travelling with assistance dogs in europe

If you are planning to travel with an assistance dog in Europe, you pretty much need to follow the same steps as any other airplane passenger who travels with a pet. For instance, when going to the UK with your assistance dog, you have to comply with all the rules stated in the Pet Travel… Read more »

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Which Is Better? Checking or Shipping Your Baggage?

checking or shipping your baggage

You’re probably one of those travelers who have never taken into account the idea of shipping their baggage and having them reach the destination before you. You’re probably more confident if you know that your bags are traveling with you. But how would you feel if you were compelled to pay a fee in order… Read more »

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Luggage Shipping Services Defined and Contrasted

luggage shipping services

This article is aimed to bring forward the most important features of current LUGGAGE SHIPPING SERVICES which you may successfully use when traveling by plane. Moreover, we also decided to compile tables giving information on the rates as well as the shipment times pertaining to these types of services.

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How Do Luggage Shipping Services Work

luggage shipping services

Whether you fly with your family or simply have a lot of bags and suitcases to take care of, you might consider using a luggage shipping service. A luggage shipping service may be broadly defined as another simpler and more convenient way of checking your baggage when you travel by plane. This method of forwarding your luggage… Read more »

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Packing No-Nos

packing no-nos

Have you ever found it impossible to hit the road without bulky or heavy luggage whose half contents remains untouched at the time you get back home? You probably have. It is, indeed, a bit of a struggle to decide what to pack and what not to. It is not at all easy to pack… Read more »

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How to Dash Through the Line

dash through the line

No matter where or when you fly, you need (and want) to be able to spend the least amount of time in the airport. We all want not to waste our time on trifles… such as checking-in. We all want to get into the plane ASAP, right?

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Do You Know How to Buy Travel Insurance?

travel insurance

One of the golden rules of nowadays traveling is related to TRAVEL INSURANCE. Never set off on a journey without your back covered. Simply because everything has so far been nothing more but smooth sailing should not determine you to re-consider travel insurance.

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How to Deal with an Airline Strike in the United States

airline strike in the United States

Strikes are ultimately the jack-in-the-box of modern employees. They occur unexpectedly for the outsiders and are very thoroughly and sometimes painstakingly prepared by those within a system. Most of us generally sympathize with strikers and agree to their having stopped work as well as the mass refusal of employees to work.

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Airline Baggage Allowance and Airport Security Regulations

airport security regulations

Always strive not to allow any official rules or procedures related to air travel or airport security distance you away from your dream holiday. Remember that, in spite of their rigid and deterrent nature, their only purpose is to assist you in having the most worry free vacation.

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Good To Know Before You Depart On Your Flight

before you depart on your flight

If you happen to leave during HOLIDAY SEASON or during the RUSH HOURS, make an effort to arrive to the airport at least an hour or two earlier; even though you won’t save any money, you’ll have a lot to gain from a psychological point of view.  Imagine that you’ll have plenty of time to… Read more »

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