Adria Airways minors flying alone

Does Adria Airways offer services for children traveling alone?

Yes, Adria Airways offers an escort service for unaccompanied children, a door-to-door escort which ensures that children will be accompanied by an adult from the moment they arrive at the departure airport until they leave the arrival airport.

What age restrictions apply for children traveling alone on Adria Airways flights?

All children between 5 and 12 years old who travel alone need the Unaccompanied Minor service. You can also request this service for children up to 16 years old, optional.

Unaccompanied Minor Service

Adria Airlines knows how stressful it can be for you and your child when it is unavoidable for your child to travel alone. For those cases, Adria Airlines can offer you an escort service to ensure your child a secure and pleasant flight. This service can provide you with check-in and boarding assistance, ensures your child is taken care of during the flight by the crew members, and once at the arrival destination the minor is helped through the immigration process and baggage claim and safely delivered to the person designated to pick them up.

Make sure you pack your child’s documents and visa if required. When you book the Unaccompanied Minor service you will need to give Adria Airways the following information: name, address and phone number of the person that will be with your child at the departure airport and of that who will meet your child at the arrival. You will also have to pay a fee of € 40 for each flight segment. To book the Unaccompanied Minor service you must call Adria Airways Call Center.

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