tips for your next red-eye flight

Our Top 10 Tips for Your Next Red-Eye Flight

How about taking JOY in your future red-eye flight and not just take it patiently? Just take account of the following tips and make the most of your time in the air. You’ll not only manage to adjust to the NEW TIME ZONE  you’ve just flown but you’ll also be able to get through the first day SPICK and SPAN.

  • Get to the airport at an hour before your flight departs. If you’re boarding the plane all run-down and tensed, than you’ll certainly experience a watchful, weary and tedious night. So, by getting there early, you’ll have plenty of time to relax after having checked-in.
  • Include a bag of treats in your carry on. You may consider packing things that will help you get in the mood for SLEEP. Try some ear plugs, eye masks, a travel pillow, and an MP3 player – these will certainly help you relax and make yourself at home. And do take your earplugs with you. Not hearing all the announcements, the crying babies, that ongoing chatterbox is a MUST for deep sleep.
  • Take a good book with you. Maybe one that you’ve always wanted to read but never had the time to browse it through. It will be useful in case you won’t be able to sleep.
  • Grab a good seat. Many travelers would rather pay extra in order to be able to get some sleep. Thus they do not mind opting for a roomier seat in the economy plus or the first class section of the plane. Nevertheless, the only seats which you should AVOID are the middle seats of the back row. SeatMaestro inquires into seating charts to help you find the best possible seat.
  • Choose the window seat. On a red-eye, the best seat is a window seat. The best thing about this seat is that you don’t need to worry about having to stand up each and every time the person sitting next to you has to go to the toilet. So, arrive at the airport early and ask for a window seat.
  • Search several airline and even travel sites before you finally decide to book your flight. Ticket costs will be different from site to site. If you do not have access to the Internet, you have the option of booking a red eye flight by calling the airline directly. Also, you may as well ask the travel agent to book you on a nighttime flight.
  • See your doctor before the flight. Indeed, there are travelers who sleep or even manage to relax with little effort if they resort to a prescribed sleeping aid or an over the counter pill. Still, it is way more safer to consult your doctor so that you know what medicine may work for you. Also, if you somewhat make up your mind and come to the conclusion that you should indeed take some pills to help you relax, just take it first at home well before your flight to make sure that it does not cause any unwanted side effects. So, it is important to consult your physician first because sleep aids can have serious side effects. Besides, you aim to feel rested when you arrive and not round the bend.
  • Eat light before you leave. Make sure you AVOID eating a lot of food because it might keep you awake for the rest of the flight. Moreover, refrain from eating FATTY and OILY food because they might cause you to make a lot of trips to the lavatory.
  • Avoid napping. On landing in your final destination, it can be very tempting to head straight to the hotel for a well-earned nap. Remember that if you skip this and plunge right into your daily activities, you’ll reset your body clock to the new time in no time.
  • Slow down on the ground. Loosen up the first day when your reach your destination. Don’t try to do all your planned activities the very first day. You’ll feel more energetic if you keep your plans for that first day as SIMPLE as possible and dash through all the other planned activities in the following days.