jet lag tips

Our Top 10 Jet Lag Tips

Try to accommodate your body clock to the new time zone a few days before you depart. This means that if you’re traveling east, you may go to sleep earlier. Start by shifting it a half-hour earlier every night for several nights in a row before you leave.

But, if you’re traveling west, you’d better do the opposite. You may also try to do the same with your MEALTIMES, meaning that you may try to adjust your body to being fed as it will be when you arrive at your destination.

Besides, you may also consider changing your watch when you get on the plane. It will be easier for you to adjust to the new time zone. You may also try sleeping on the plane if it’s nighttime where you’re going. You may also try staying awake if it’s daytime but you should not consider it an absolute must. You may as well sit back and relax.

Get there in good time

If you’re planning to be part of an important event, one that, let’s say is crucial for your career… you’d better be there a few days earlier. Your body clock will have plenty of time to adjust to the new environment.

Drink plenty of fluids

Don’t forget that being hydrated is crucial if you want to function normally. So, do consider drinking water before, during, as well as after your flight. Otherwise, you’ll be dehydrated which will certainly make you feel tired, uncommunicative and inert.

Remember that both alcohol and caffeine will certainly dehydrate you if you do not and at least an extra glass of water for each cup of coffee. Besides, these two (alcohol and coffee) will also disrupt your nap and it will be more difficult for you to wind and feel fresh at your destination.

Get some exercise

Do plan to move a bit around during your flight. So, get up, take a lazy walk around, do some exercises, and stretch a bit. But do not take these keeping fit activities to extremes – leave them for the plane. Avoid doing extra exercise after your arrive as it may delay sleep.

Give melatonin a shot

MELATONIN is actually a hormone which plays a key role in regulating our circadian rhythms. It also balances our bodily rhythms so that we may sleep well at night. However, using melatonin to fight jet lag is still a matter of debate. There are, indeed, studies that point out that it may almost eliminate jet lag on flights both east and west. On the other hand, there are also studies which have not yet managed to demonstrate that it really helps. The point is that melatonin seems to be safe if taken short term. Nevertheless, things are not at all question-less for the long run. You should, however, check with your ATTENDING PHYSICIAN first.

Enjoy natural light

NATURAL LIGHTt has the gift of relaxing our bodies and consequently, regulating our body clock. If you fly west, try capturing the bright morning light at your new destination. You should also try to stay away from afternoon and evening light exposure. On the other hand, if you fly west, try to keep away from early light exposure in the morning and then lay hold of as much light as possible in the afternoon as well as early evening. You’ll thus feel more ENERGETIC and REVIVED when you get to your destination.

Eat rationally

Indeed, there are fliers who state that minding your diet has a huge impact on jet lag. The fact is that no diets have yet been proven effective for preventing jet lag. Nevertheless, a rational diet will, by all means, influence your well being as well as your sleep.

Indulge yourself into a relaxing pastime before leaving

You may try a hot bath which will help you relax and simmer down.

Get a good sleep

You may resort to an eye mask or even earplugs. These will help you sleep on the plane. Do your best to cast out any distractions in your room at bedtime.

Resort to medication

Ask your doctor to prescribe some pills if none of the all-known strategies do not work for you. And remember, medication should be used and not abused, so employ it sensibly.