Seat Map Iberia Airbus A350 900

Seat map for Iberia Airbus A350 900

Seating details

Business Class78"26"31
Premium Economy37"19"24
Economy Class31"18"293

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4.5 of 5
FromNew York - John F Kennedy Intl (JFK)
ToMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
Seat was a great choice as odd number seats were close to the window with the storage space to the left. It was a bit uncomfortable for me as I am left-handed and prefer the storage space to my right. Legroom was great but the clearance between my seat and the start of the front seat wall where I slide into my seat was a tad small. The 18.5" monitor was awesome but the variety of movies and TV shows is not up to par with what is available in American. I especially liked the simulated map (a la Google Earth) that allowed me to see where we were even though it was dark. This plane did not have the cam where you can watch the takeoff and landing and also did not include any additional storage to the right of the seat. Service was great although beef was not on the menu like American. Service was awesome, Iberia really cares about their customers in Business. I could not take photos out of concern of privacy of other passengers as I was not the first to board. Next time, the only thing I'd change is to reserve 7A so I can be close to the window and the storage space to my right. Overall, this was a great seat.
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1.5 of 5
FromMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
ToSantiago - Arturo Merino Benitez (SCL)
Una vez más Iberia demuestra como llevar pasajeros en unas condiciones de limpieza y mantenimiento lamentables en un vuelo de 13 horas. No solo con unas de las menores dimensiones disponibles por pasajero, sino con una comida basura servida por una tripulación de cabina a punto de jubilarse, quemada y que lo único que quiere es desaparecer de la vista y que nadie los moleste durante 13 horas ! Por supuesto no había café porque no funcionaban las cafeteras. Para una prueba del estado de limpieza y mantenimiento de los aseos solo tienen que ver las fotos que adjunto. Mucho cambiar el modelo de uniformes (o sea puro marketing), pero de cuidar al pasajero nada... Que pena de compañía !
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4 of 5
ToLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
Bueno queria volar en el 350 y seme dio la oportunidad de pagar por el upgrade a tan solo 50EUR. Tengo que decir que el asiento aplio y comodo, pero al ser fila del medio tienes a alguien a tu lado y si no lo conoces no hay intimidad.
los de la ventana estan mejor.
el servicio de tripulacion flojo desaparecen como por arte de magia.
no tienen taza de te, solo de cafe y sin cava.
no los veia con ganas de servir
peliculas no se si era porque vuelo era a UK pero muy poca variedad
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1.5 of 5
FromMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
ToSantiago - Arturo Merino Benitez (SCL)
Asientos duros como piedras, mínimo espacio de pitch para un vuelo de 12 horas. Comida de mínima calidad. Como Iberia cubre estos vuelos largos con su personal de más edad lo que ocurre es que desean que no se les moleste. Pasan absolutamente del pasaje. Te tiran la comida y desaparecen para que no se les vea y nadie los llame durante el vuelo. Es patético que Iberia no cuide en absoluto sus vuelos largos (en los de corto alcance ya han alcanzado niveles deplorables).
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4 of 5
FromMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
ToSantiago - Arturo Merino Benitez (SCL)
The seat was comfortable with the side unit on the right. Being closer to the window meant that I could see the Andes and the approach.
There was no door to the seat so was not as private as the BA 777 on my return from Buenos Aries.
As this was a midnight flight, I did not have any food but the wine (Rioja) was excellent.
I did not uses the entertainment programs as I had downloaded films to watch.
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3 of 5
FromMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
ToBuenos Aires - Ezeiza Ministro Pistarini (EZE)
Plane was changed from A350 to A330-200. Flight was smooth. All C seats have a big metal box on your feet space for the onboard entertainment system, which takes approximately a quarter of the space, making it a bit uncomfortable. Besides this the seat, entertainment system and overall comfort was as expected on a regular economy class flight.
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2.5 of 5
FromMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
ToLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
I have never sat in such a cramped economy seat. Long haul would have been impossible.

Im not sure if 48A is unusual for that or doing the other leg in business made it seem worse but it was very cramped, and I would have asked the passenger in front not to recline.
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2.5 of 5
FromBuenos Aires - Ezeiza Ministro Pistarini (EZE)
ToMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
No parece en absoluto clase ejecutiva, deberán recategorizarse como Premium Economy. Comida y bebida MALISIMOS, atencion PESIMA. Habiendo solo 4 asientos por fila el ancho de los mismos podría mejorar. La reclinación 180º pero con desniveles, incomoda. Primera y última vez en Iberia
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2.5 of 5
ToSan José - Juan Santamaría International (SJO)
Terrible vuelo de 11.30 horas en el espacio más pequeño que he tenido en mis 49 anos de viajar en avión. Increible. Soy pequena y menuda y ha sido el vuelo mas estrecho de mi vida. Lo que lo hace cansadisimo...
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3.5 of 5
ToMadrid - Barajas (MAD)
This is a premium economy seat. It has leg support and a foot rest its a bit wider the the general economy seat and could recline normally. It was a good ride.
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