British Airways seat reviews

3 of 5
FromLondon - London City Airport (LCY)
ToKill Devil Hills - First Flight (FFA)
The legroom was surprisingly good. BUT it was the same as Economy - so why pay extra for Business?
AND - London City Airport has no BA Business Lounge.
However - note the service and food were very good.
So in summary paying for Business Class on this route is a rip-off, except for the on-flight service.
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1.5 of 5
FromLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
ToLos Angeles - Los Angeles International (LAX)
I often have to travel long-haul flights due to my job. This was my first time travelling long-haul with BA. I've never been treated as badly in my life. Most but not all of the crew were ignorant towards me and my fellow passengers. They were unhelpful and couldn't have cared less about us. I will never fly with BA again. I am disgusted at the treatment I received from them. BA have a big name but I can assure you will be treated much better and actually enjoy your flight on smaller carriers. BA need to start training their crew like that of the wonderful polite and helpful crew on Aerlingus and Virgin.
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4 of 5
FromLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
ToJohannesburg - Oliver Reginald Tambo International (JNB)
I was very exited to fly on the a380 for the first time. Didn't really know which seat to take when i read all the comments here. So me and my partner decided to take a twin seat on the upper deck (72A-72B).
The plane itself is nice and gives an impression of space. Very quiet and smooth on take off.

When it comes to the seat I'm not sure. 72A has got 2 entertainment boxes underneath the seat in front which don't really disturb since there's space on the left of the seat to put your left leg. Leg room apart from that is nothing special compared to other airplanes. It's ok as long as the person in front of you doesn't recline his seat to the maximum.

Overall a very nice and quiet plane but the seats and legroom are nothing special.
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4 of 5
I had the window seat and my daughter the aisle seat of this Twin combo on the right side of the British Airways A380-800 aircraft. We swapped mid-flight so that my daughter could sleep while resting her head on the luggage bin.
I am 5'10" so generally suffer in Economy seats on long haul flights but I was suitably impressed with BA's A380-800's seats, which were roomier than Virgin's. Despite the entertainment box, about which many complain and that occupied part of the legroom space of my window seat, I was able to extend my right leg alongside the body of the aircraft and the seat in front so the box did not present an issue, at all.
The back-rest of the seat in front was broken and kept springing backwards but, apart from one jolt to my leg while I slept, this did not affect me in the least. Because our day had started at 4.00 a.m. with a four-hour drive and a 2.5 hour connecting flight, I was suitably tired when boarding our overnight A380 flight and, perhaps, any anticipated inconveniences became inconsequential.
However, while I am a huge B747 fan, I can confirm that our A380 was a lovely, clean, smooth and quiet aircraft, our steward was a great entertainer and the flight was a pleasant experience, overall. The window provided a great view outside and of the enormous wing to the front.
Our steward kindly warned us that because we were in front of the galley, there would be noise for one hour into our flight but, following dinner service, the curtain would be closed and peace prevail.
The cabin crew did not bother us with their dinner preparations. However, a couple of passengers irritated me as they pushed through the curtain, leaving it slightly open for the light to glare through. Each time, I was forced to close the gap in the curtain to return the cabin to darkness.

One should be mindful of the fact that because these seats are at the back of the aeroplane, the recline is not as great as those in the rest of the cabin, so these should be avoided if this is an important consideration.
The luggage bins in the Upper Deck were a huge asset since we always travel light with hand luggage and, therefore, did not require the overhead lockers.
BA's caterers are superior to the South African caterers who provided the JNB to LHR leg's food. The food was bland and uninteresting and I was surprised to find that they had provided margarine instead of butter! We selected the Ovo Lacto Vegetarian option and, for some reason, airline caterers seem to think that Vegetarians eat only pasta and fruit! Fruit for dinner and the same fruit for breakfast!
While the LHR-JNB leg's food was superb - and, yes ... included a delicious pasta meal - the JNB-LHR leg's menu was disappointing.
Two sets of toilets to the front serve the back cabin, which was small and intimate. Perhaps, because it was an overnight flight, there was not a constant footfall to the toilets, the sound of flushing, banging of the doors or blast of light into the cabin as the doors were opened and closed.

Many would not choose the rear seats but we found them to be perfectly acceptable. Perhaps, we were lucky with our particular cabin crew and fellow passengers or the fact that it was a red-eye flight. Whatever ... I do not have any complaints.
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4.5 of 5
FromLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
ToLos Angeles - Los Angeles International (LAX)
Love the A380, felt more relaxed and not at all snuffly on arrival at LA. Paid extra for seats found 22k lacking in leg room due to unmoveable box where I wanted to put my feet. It is a window seat but short on view as the wing is ENORMOUS!! So, if you want a good window view go further back or upstairs. HOWEVER, there are minor issues. Overall the flight was full to the brim,cabin crew excellent,and listening to the American customers they were all extatic at the FREE in flight bar, not something they are used to. Love BA just wish I could DO 1st class!!Maybe next time.
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5 of 5
FromWashington, DC - Washington Dulles International (IAD)
ToLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
Great plane. Excellent crew
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3.5 of 5
FromLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
ToMexico City - Internacional Benito Juarez (MEX)
A great seat because the 'A' seat is missing due to the tail narrowing the aircraft. This gives more room to the left of the seat and means that only one person needs to be disturbed when you need to get out to walk around or use the bathroom
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3.5 of 5
FromLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
ToMexico City - Internacional Benito Juarez (MEX)
A great seat because the 'A' seat is missing due to the tail narrowing the aircraft. This gives more room to the left of the seat and means that only one person needs to be disturbed when you need to get out to walk around or use the bathroom
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3.5 of 5
ToAbu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi International (AUH)
I was allocated this seat as a window seat by British Airways for my 7 hour flight to Abu Dhabi from London. My wife had 41B centre. I had the opportunity to change these seats when I checked in online 24 hours before departure but thought they seemed fine. However when we boarded I was horrified to find that there was no window next to 41A, just a solid section of plastic about 4 foot long. It was also the same on the other corresponding side. I complained to the cabin crew but to no avail as the flight was full so could not change seats. I have to say that this was the worst ever seat I have ever had for a flight. To say that it was chlosterphobic would be an understatement, it was awful. So everyone beware and make sure that this seat (however it may be numbered by your airline) is avoided.
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4 of 5
FromLondon - London Heathrow (LHR)
ToMiami - Miami International Airport (MIA)
This is a standard WTP seat but has the advantage of having two storage boxes and a better situated window than others in this cabin,however the legroom is much reduced compared to the 747/400 WTP seats and the seat frames are of what looks like carbon fibre which means they are very flexible and they seat in front of you can move back a significant amount particularly when reclined in fact I had my drink knocked from my tray when the guy In front slammed his seat back.
Given the above this seat is not a bad choice in this cabin but nowhere as good as the good old Jumbo
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