packing no-nos

Packing No-Nos

Have you ever found it impossible to hit the road without bulky or heavy luggage whose half contents remains untouched at the time you get back home? You probably have. It is, indeed, a bit of a struggle to decide what to pack and what not to. It is not at all easy to pack the perfect suitcase.

And by perfect suitcase I mean one that contains absolutely everything you need in your trip. It’s like getting blood out of a stone, isn’t it? How do you know how may guidebooks to pack or which clothes would be more useful once you get there? Well, things do not necessarily need to be so tangled and complicated. You’ll see.

You certainly need to start from differentiating from your favorite things, on the one hand, and from what is necessary, on the other. FAVORITISM works for evanescent stuff as well. We’re usually tempted to give our favorite thing the red carpet treatment and take them into account before anything else. Once you’ve managed to distance yourself from this type of attitude, consider that you’re on the right track.

Besides, over-packing may cost dearly. There are airlines that charge their passengers as much as $25 for checking an item of baggage on domestic flights. And if you considered checking a second one, you may find out that you have to pay no less that $40…and the price is going up with each checked bag. This is certainly not a sunny perspective, isn’t it?

INDEED, we all have our different packing style as well as our distinct traveling needs. Nevertheless, taking your entire home with you will do you no good. It doesn’t really matter how elaborate and refined your beauty routine is. You won’t be a different person if you leave behind the dozen bottles containing moisturizing, hydrating, cleansing or purifying lotions. Just take the essentials with you.

Or, make an effort and buy customized travel sized toiletries. They’re handy, practical to use and they’ll certainly last you for the entire journey. You may, of course, also rely on the shampoo or hair conditioner from the hotel but if you need to be certain that your hair won’t look as if you’ve just come out of the jungle, go for these travel bags.

THEN, you should consider leaving your bijoux at home. Maybe it is difficult for you to leave an expensive necklace or ring at home but you should set off with the idea that everything you take can be left behind. Indeed, you can never have too much jewelry. But wearing too much jewelry on a trip will turn you into a target for all sorts of petty thieves who won’t look at you as an elegant or refined tourist but as mere prey. And do not think that you can never be a victim.

Con-artists will outsmart you any time. They do this as a living so so stand no chance before them. Besides, if you look different you won’t stand any chance of blending in with the locals, will you? Still, you simply cannot part from your most precious and valuable bracelet, consider insuring it or at least keeping it in the hotel safe and wearing it only on few special occasions. Anyway, all you valuables should absolutely be packed in your carry-on and not in the checked bag. Never leave home with the idea that your checked bag cannot get lost – it can.

Furthermore, you should pack just as many outfits as you need. The wisest idea when planning which exact outfit to pack is to check the weather forecast. It is true that meteorologist do not always manage to carry out an absolutely accurate forecast. Nevertheless, they do get things right most of the times. It won’t be the end of the world if you stumble upon an unexpected shower. After all, you can buy a raincoat or umbrella and keep it as a souvenir, can’t you?

Finally, take only those gadgets that are really useful and necessary. Leave at home any device you can live without. And, if there is anything you can simply buy at your destination, why shouldn’t you go shopping? Just ENJOY YOUR TRIP and feast your eyes on the new landscape!