Air Moldova minors flying alone

Does Air Moldova offer Unaccompanied Minor Service?

The Unaccompanied Minor service is a special service provided by Air Moldova for children traveling alone. Reservations for Unaccompanied Minors cannot be made online since the service requires additional forms and procedures that have to be met.

At what age can travel a child as an Unaccompanied Minor?

Unaccompanied children aged 5 to 18 years are accepted on Air Moldova flights. The Unaccompanied Minor service is not permitted on codeshare flights where Air Moldova is not in fact the operating carrier.

Children up to 5 years old do not qualify for the Unaccompanied Minor service and must be accompanied by at least one parent, tutor, or a person at least 18 years of age (specially appointed by both parents by a written notary legalized declaration if the child is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova).

Unaccompanied Minor (UMNR) Service

Depending on the child’s age, citizenship, and itinerary, the Unaccompanied Minor service may be mandatory or optional:

  • Mandatory – if the procedure is not requested, the child will not be allowed to travel:
    • For all children aged 5 to 12 years, regardless of their citizenship and itinerary.
    • For children aged 12 to 18 years, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, flying from the Republic of Moldova.
  • Optional – at the request of their parents or tutor, or in case of doubt regarding the child’s ability to travel alone:
    • For children aged 12 to 18 years, foreign citizens regardless of their itinerary.
    • For children aged 12 to 18 years, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, flying to the Republic of Moldova.

Minors who are citizens of the Republic of Moldova (5-18 years) are allowed to fly from the Republic of Moldova accompanied by at least one flight attendant of Air Moldova specially appointed by both parents by a written notary legalized declaration. The declaration must include the list of flight attendants operating the flight on which the minor will travel and the data of the person meeting the minor upon arrival. In case of a transfer, the declaration must include the data of the Air Moldova representative at that particular transfer point.


When traveling as Unaccompanied Minors, children aged 5 to 12 years pay 75% of the applicable fare, and children aged 12 to 18 years pay the full adult fare. An additional EUR 40 fee applies for the Unaccompanied Minor service, for every Air Moldova flight.

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